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Windsor Agreement Statement

Jul 16

4 min read




CUJS unequivocally condemns the agreement signed between the University of Windsor, the Windor Liberated Zone Team (LZT), and the University of Windsor Student Alliance ( UWSA), the organizers of the encampment. In this agreement, the University of Windsor has agreed to several actions that will harm Jewish students, faculty, and staff, further contributing to a hostile environment at the University. 

Our Concerns 

The University has agreed to provide an administrative representative to sit on the University of Windsor Students' Alliance (UWSA)’s BDS Advisory Committee. 

This inclusion is an endorsement of the BDS movement, which Jewish students believe targets Israel and fosters a hostile environment on campus for Jewish students. In fact, BDS policies have been proven to be far more harmful to Jewish students in the diaspora, than to Israel itself (see “A Better Way Than Boycotts'' study by The Board of Deputies of British Jews). BDS has been condemned by both the Canadian and Ontario parliaments and is widely considered antisemitic because it singles out Israel for boycott and divestment while ignoring or minimizing human rights abuses in other countries; the portrayal of Israel as an abuser without considering the complex realities of the conflict is misleading and contributes to a one-sided narrative that harms Jewish students. It often results in hostility towards Jewish individuals and institutions, and undermines the legitimacy of Israel, echoing historical antisemitic efforts to deny Jewish self-determination. 

The University agrees that students will not receive any academic or employment sanctions for participating in or supporting the encampment. 

Once again, antisemitism goes unpunished. This policy will embolden participants to engage in activities that may be intimidating or harmful to Jewish students, knowing they will face no repercussions. The broad protections provided could lead to an environment where antisemitic behavior is tolerated, marginalizing Jewish students. While we are aware this is an approach that campuses across the country have taken, we condemn it in every instance. The normalization of antisemitism is a threat to the safety of students on campus, the acceptance of Jews in Canada, and our national security as a whole (as validated by the Organization for Security and Cooperativity in Europe)

The University will increase ties with Palestinian universities while banning the formation of ties with Israeli universities. 

Not only is this contrary to the free exchange of knowledge which universities should aspire to uphold, it also amounts to discrimination on the basis of nationality. This decision limits information-sharing and potential research partnerships between academic institutions, a direct contradiction of the supposed role of universities to enhance the public good through knowledge exchange and innovation. Further, this proportionately harms Jewish students and faculty who would be more likely than their non-Jewish counterparts to choose a study abroad option in Israel due to familial, cultural, and religious ties.

Antisemitism at Windsor 

Let us be clear: this action by the university administration does not come as a shock to Jewish students at Windsor, who have faced discrimination and exclusion on their campus, and have received no support from their administration. 

“My peers who I once considered friends have stopped interacting with me because I am a Jew. It is no better, and indeed actually worse, within our classrooms; where professors demonize Zionism, propagate hateful antisemetic rhetoric, and single out Jewish students for our beliefs'' 

- Sydney Greenspoon, University of Windsor, Faculty of Law Class of 2024. 

If you have not already, we implore you to read her entire testimony, submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights for their recent study conducted on antisemitism in Canada. 

Our Demands 

  • The current agreement between the University of Windsor and the ‘Windsor Liberated Zone Team’ (LZT) must be terminated. Jewish and Israeli students, faculty, and staff should and must be included in negotiations that pertain to their safety and security on campus. 

  • The University must commit to only including representative and reputable organizations for antisemitism education, excluding fringe anti-Zionist groups like Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) that do not reflect the broader Jewish community's perspectives. As validated by researcher Robert Brym’s study, roughly 91% of Canadian Jews consider themselves Zionists. 

  • Ensure that the supports implemented for the Jewish community are done with the support and in collaboration with Jewish organizations on campus and in the community, for the Jewish Federation of Windsor. 

  • Implement comprehensive training and education programs for faculty, staff, and students about antisemitism, its impact, and how to foster an inclusive campus environment by engaging mainstream Jewish organizations and educational resources. For instance, promoting the IHRA definition of antisemitism. 

  • Regularly consult with reputable Jewish organizations, both within and outside the university, to ensure that policies and programs effectively address the concerns of Jewish students.

  • No amnesty for antisemites: The University of Windsor must not grant amnesty to people who have engaged in illegal or antisemitic acts. All students must be held accountable for their actions.

  • Establish a Special Advisor on Antisemitism position within the administration, with a mandate similar to the new position at the University of Ottawa. This position should be supported by the Jewish organizations on campus, such as the University’s Jewish Law Students Association, to ensure the values and goals of the community are reflected by the individual in this role.

Jul 16

4 min read





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